Country Specific Academic Requirement (Undergraduate courses)
This information aims to provide guidance on meeting the minimum academic entry requirements for Adelaide Institute of Higher Education’s (AIHE) Bachelor degree course. All qualifications must be from recognised and accredited institutions.
There are also additional English language entry requirements for international students and sometimes other course specific requirements. Applicants must check these details listed under the courses on the website at For international students there may also be additional requirements to meet the criteria to be granted a visa to study in Australia. The academic requirements listed below are reviewed regularly and may be amended from time to time.
If your qualification or country is not listed, we encourage you to submit your Application for Admission to so that an individual assessment can be made by the Admissions staff.
International Schooling | |
Global Assessments Certificate | Successful completion of Global Assessment Certificate. |
GCE A-levels | GCE A-levels with minimum grade of C in three subjects or equivalent combination with AS level subjects. |
International Baccalaureate (IB) | International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) with a minimum score of 20 out of 45. |
Country | |
Australia | Australian Year 12 |
Bangladesh | Higher School Certificate (HSC) with a GPA of 3.2 |
Brazil | Certificado de Ensino Medio with a 6 out of 10 or C (regular/bom); or Satisfactory completion of one year of post-secondary study at a recognised institution |
Chile | Licencia de Educacion Media or de Ensenanza Media (Certificate of Secondary Education) with grade average 5.0 (Bueno); or Satisfactory completion of one year post-secondary study at a recognised institution. |
China | Successful completion of Senior Middle 3 with a 65% average in 4 subjects, Gao Kao (National College Entrance Exam) with a 55% average; or Satisfactory completion of one year post-secondary study at a recognised institution. |
Colombia | Successful completion of Bachillerato with an average of 70% or higher in final year; or Satisfactory completion of one year post-secondary study at a recognised institution. |
Fiji | Fiji Form 7 Certificate with a C grade or better in all subjects. |
France | Successful completion of Baccalauréat. |
Germany | Arbitur with an average score of 4 out of 6 where 1 is the highest. |
Ghana | Refer to GCE requirements above. |
Hong Kong | Successful completion of HKDSE with a minimum of 12 points over the best 4 subjects. |
India | Higher School Certificate (HSC) with an average of 60 percent for four academic subjects for Humanities Stream from CBSE, CISCE, Maharashtra and other boards. |
Indonesia | Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA 3); or Surat Keterangan Hasil Ujian Nasional (SKHUN or previously STK) Minimum grade average of 65 out of 100. |
Italy | Diploma di istruzione secondaria superiore (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate), Diploma di istruzione tecnica/professionale OR Diploma liceale (Diploma of State examination) with an average grade of 60 or higher. |
Japan | Successful completion of Upper Secondary School Certificate of Graduation (Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shosho ) with a GPA of 3 or higher. |
Kenya | Successful completion of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) awarded with C grade average or higher. |
Laos | Successful completion of recognised foundation studies program or 1 year of university studies |
Lebanon | Lebanese Baccalaureate or Technical Baccalaureate (Overall grade of 12-14) |
Malaysia | Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran (STPM); or Matriculation (Matrikulasi) with a GPA of 2.0 |
Mexico | Bachillerato/Bachillerato Tecnico with an average grade 7.0; or Satisfactory completion of one year post-secondary study at a recognised tertiary institute. |
Mongolia | Senior Middle School Graduation Certificate with average of 85% in final year results |
Myanmar | Matriculation/Basic Education High School (BEHS) with overall achievement of 75%; or Satisfactory completion of one year post-secondary study at a recognised institution. |
Nepal | School Leaving Certificate Examination (XII) with overall Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.8 |
New Zealand | National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3: a minimum of 80 credits; 60 credits at Level 3 and 20 credits at Level 2. |
Nigeria | Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSC)/West African Senior School Certificate: Overall grade of Credit (4 to 6) |
Pakistan | Intermediate/Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) with an average of 60+ percent. |
Peru | Successful completion of Secondary education (Certificado de Deucadion Secundaria Comun Completa) |
Philippines | Successful completion of Senior High School Diploma (Academic track) with an overall average of 80% (after 2019) |
Slovakia | Slovakia Successful completion of Vysvedcenie o maturitnej skuske |
South Africa | National Senior Certificate or Senior Certificate with a minimum grade average of 4 across six subjects. |
South Korea | Immumgye Kodung Hakkyo Choeupchang (Upper Secondary Certificate) with an average of 65 percent. |
Spain | Successful completion of Curso de Orientaion universitaria / Titulo de Bachillerato |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education Advanced Level with a minimum grade of S in three Academic Subjects |
Taiwan | Senior High School Diploma or Senior Vocational School Diploma with an average of 70%. |
Thailand | Certificate of Secondary Education M6 - GPA of 2.5. |
United States of America | High School Diploma with a CGPA of 2.5 out of 4. |
Venezuela | Successful completion of the Bachillerato/Bachiller/ Tecnico (Medio) with a 70% grade average. |
Vietnam | Bang Tot Nghiep Trung Hoc Pho Thong (Upper Secondary Education Diploma) or Bang Tot Nghiep Trung Hoc Chuyen Nghiep (Secondary Vocational School Certificate) with a minimum score of 6.5 or 65% overall. |