Each subject offered as part of the Bachelor of Business or MBA has its own, specially designed assessment configuration. A Subject Outline, which contains assessment details and other subject information, is made available to students at the beginning of each Study Period. The subject coordinator will discuss the content of the Subject Outline in the first class of the Study Period and explain the submission details of each assessment task.

Late submissions of any student work will attract penalties unless an extension has been agreed to by the subject coordinator. See the AIHE Assessment Procedure for details.

The Subject Outline and Assessment Briefs will specify the due date of the assignment and how the assignment is to be submitted.

Students may be eligible for modified assessment arrangements when unexpected or extenuating circumstances impact on their performance or their ability to complete their assessment tasks by the specified date. Modified arrangements include:

  • an extension of submission date for an assessment task;
  • special examination arrangements, such as a deferred examination or adjustment to examination;
  • resubmission of an assessment task.

To be considered for a modified assessment, the student must submit a completed Application to Vary Assessment form with verifiable supporting evidence. All applications will be considered in a fair, transparent and consistent way and will not be unreasonably refused.

Unexpected or extenuating circumstances are those which are beyond the control of the student and/or for which there was no opportunity to prepare in advance. Such circumstances may include, but are not limited to:

  • illness of the student or a close relative;
  • unanticipated personal circumstances of a compelling nature; and
  • unanticipated and significant work-related circumstances of a compelling nature.

Approval is not limited to these examples if acceptable evidence is provided.

Students encountering continuing medical issues should also consult the Head of School so that a plan to maintain academic progress can be developed.

Assessment Policy and Procedure for further information on assessment.

Adelaide Institute of Higher Education (AIHE) is registered as an Institute of Higher Education with the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), the Australian Government regulator for Higher Education. AIHE delivers fully accredited undergraduate and postgraduate degrees to domestic and international students that are recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

TEQSA Provider Number: PRV14326
TEQSA Provider Category: Institute of Higher Education
CRICOS Provider Code: 03763K
ABN: 54 618 241 802

Adelaide Institute of Higher Education
is a member of

Adelaide International School
Adelaide Institute of Business and Technology
Adelaide Research Institute


Contact Us

Adelaide Campus (Main Campus)

Level 5, 127 Rundle Mall,
Adelaide, South Australia 5000
+61 8 8470 0156

Melbourne Campus

Level 1, 209 Lonsdale Street,
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
+61 3 8849 0171

Business hours
Our support Hotline is available
Mon – Fri: 9am to 5pm
Sat – Sun: Closed

© Copyright AIHE 2025.
